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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 20, Issue 3, pp. 781-1163

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Asymptotic Solution of Stiff PDEs with the CSP Method: The Reaction Diffusion Equation

M. Hadjinicolaou and D. A. Goussis

pp. 781-810

An Adaptive Grid Method and Its Application to Steady Euler Flow Calculations

Feng Liu, Shanhong Ji, and Guojun Liao

pp. 811-825

Kinetical-Consistent Algorithms for Simulation of Reactive Flows

Ludwig W. Dorodnicyn

pp. 826-843

Generalized projection pursuit regression

Ole C. Lingjærde and Knut Liestøl

pp. 844-857

A Numerical Study of the Axisymmetric Couette--Taylor Problem Using a Fast High-Resolution Second-Order Central Scheme

Raz Kupferman

pp. 858-877

Issues Related to Least-Squares Finite Element Methods for the Stokes Equations

Jennifer M. Deang and Max D. Gunzburger

pp. 878-906

Antidiffusive Velocities for Multipass Donor Cell Advection

Len Margolin and Piotr K. Smolarkiewicz

pp. 907-929

Long-Time-Step Methods for Oscillatory Differential Equations

B. García-Archilla, J. M. Sanz-Serna, and R. D. Skeel

pp. 930-963

A Parallel Algorithm to Evaluate Chebyshev Series on a Message Passing Environment

Roberto Barrio and Javier Sabadell

pp. 964-969

A Mixed Finite Element--Finite Volume Formulation of the Black-Oil Model

Luca Bergamaschi, Stefano Mantica, and Gianmarco Manzini

pp. 970-997

Moving Mesh Strategy Based on a Gradient Flow Equation for Two-Dimensional Problems

Weizhang Huang and Robert D. Russell

pp. 998-1015

A Robust, Parallel Homotopy Algorithm for the Symmetric Tridiagonal Eigenproblem

Michael H. Oettli

pp. 1016-1032

Waveform Inversion of Reflection Seismic Data for Kinematic Parameters by Local Optimization

René-Edouard Plessix, Yann-Hervé De Roeck, and Guy Chavent

pp. 1033-1052

Multiresolution Based on Weighted Averages of the Hat Function II: Nonlinear Reconstruction Techniques

Francesc Aràndiga, Rosa Donat, and Ami Harten

pp. 1053-1093

The Future Fast Fourier Transform?

Alan Edelman, Peter McCorquodale, and Sivan Toledo

pp. 1094-1114

Uniformly Accurate Finite Difference Schemes for p-Refinement

Lei Tang and James D. Baeder

pp. 1115-1131

Toward an Efficient Parallel Eigensolver for Dense Symmetric Matrices

Bruce Hendrickson, Elizabeth Jessup, and Christopher Smith

pp. 1132-1154

Efficient Solution Of The Rank-Deficient Linear Least Squares Problem

Gregorio Quintana-Ortí, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí, and Antoine Petitet

pp. 1155-1163